Where did we go wrong? is just a small gallery of images I've taken of friends... or just random people...or random stuff ^.^;; I know, there isn't much here now, but I hope to get more pictures up soon!

What you lookin' at? Why he wanted me to take a picture, I do not know.
Argh! Lisa's stuck in the Lock-Up!
Smile, you're on candid camera! I really DID take this picture while Mich was playing... the flash made her mess up. And she wasn't to happy. ("Fuck you and yo momma too!" was what she said)
Tanya and Lisa... awww.
Whoops, I didn't make you mess up, did I, Evanne?
Rachel Z. took her reed out of her mouth long enough to allow a photo.
Michelle attacks!
Yummy, yummy licorice
Trashy - Althea goes for a punky, trashy look, right here.
Splat goes the Lisa

Yay! French! Featuring: Sam's arm Althea, Sam and Jess (not pictured), working on French projects.
*wump* Kawaii! Danielle sitting on Ari's lap. Awww... how cute!
Let go of meeeee! Shelah sitting on Dani and Ari. Looks like she's being held by force. -.-;;
L-l-l-lick you from ya head to your toes...Shelah and Dani. Shelah is gesturing to Dr. Robotnik and Hanson. She loves them. XD
The Mystical Scarf of Shelah Actually, it isn't really Shelah's scarf. She stole it from the librarian's aide.
We're twins! A picture of Danielle... and I'm making a cameo! Yes, 'tis me, your carrot-topped webmistress!

*HUG* Abu and Liz posing together for a post-party, party pic
Ow, ow, ow... Ari challenges Shelah to a match of wits in Tony Hawk Pro Skater!
Munchies and movies A view of She's fabulous pad!
One Word: Cool. The other part of Shelah's home theater. Fuggin' awesome.
Sisterly Love Awww.
We are fa-amily! Everyone... well, almost, at IC (Imaculate Conception)
Quality viewing materials Look at this treasure!
WAAAAAI! The beginnings of a post party... party. ^_^
The grand prize is... a men's bathroom sign?
Singing in the (insert persipitation here) Dani, singing about something or another.
*air guitar* The band at IC.
Stairway to heaven: The guitarist from the band at IC.